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Eyal Benvenisti and George W. Downs, Between Fragmentation and Democracy: The Role of National and International Courts (Cambridge University Press, 2017)

Abstract Eyal Benvenisti and George W. Downs analyze in their important book the phenomenon of the fragmentation of international law, its causes, and its implications. They point to the dangers posed by the existence of competing powers in the global arena and examine how national and international courts can reduce these dangers. This book review…

Ex Aequo Et Bono The Uses of the Road Never Taken

Abstract The International Court of Justice (ICJ) can decide cases either according to the sources of international law (the law route) or—if the parties so choose—according to justice, “ex aequo et bono” (the justice route). The ICJ has never issued a judgment in the justice route, which indicates that no pair of parties simultaneously agreed…

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